A recent fundraising event at The Art Workers’ Guild in London gave those who attended an enlightening and entertaining evening. A group of members showcased their fine work and diverse skills, contributing to raising, so far, over £43,000 towards the target of £50,000, to fulfil the Guild’s charitable purpose of advancing education in the visual arts and crafts.
Tom Perkins - "The tree is my poem and my prayer” (Welsh slate, Portland stone, 65 x 30 cms + base, tree designed by Gaynor Goffe, inscription from 'The Tree' by Satish Kumar.)
The Arts contribute billions of pounds every year to the UK economy. In February this year during a debate in the House of Lords, Melvyn Bragg said, “The arts are not the cherry on the cake —they are the cake.” We all know that Government and local authorities are grappling with financial pressures; we all hope that appreciation and understanding of the value of the Arts across society will help to keep them in the forefront of spending priorities. The Arts support and benefit to an invaluable extent mental and physical well being and social cohesion; they stimulate our imaginations and creativity, and enhance our communities. They support local businesses and other sectors, such as hospitality. They draw out our sense of wonder and are part of what makes life worth living.
Art education is at the heart of the work of The Art Workers’ Guild. The Guild can work with schools to help children with their social and emotional development, and to express their inner creativity; it encourages creative people who are beginning to establish themselves professionally through the ‘Creative Connections’ programme. Fortnightly gatherings and lectures bring together members to share their work, vision and knowledge. The ‘Outreach’ programme brings the diverse skills of members to a broad range of people including students, educators and academics, policy makers, medical professionals, scientists and engineers, families, young people and refugees.
Rachel Bebb Contemporary exhibits work by AWG members Eric Marland, Philip Surey and Tom Perkins, (Letter Carvers), Tracey Sheppard (glass engraver and Master of the Art Workers’ Guild in 2022), and block-printmaker Cameron Short. Their exemplary high standards of craftsmanship are a clear demonstration of the vital place occupied by the Arts in society.
If you would like to donate to the work of The Art Workers’ Guild, please contact the Guild Secretary, Leigh Milsom Fowler - leigh@artworkersguild.org.
Eric Marland - The Mighty Sea (granite, 19 x 30 x 11 cms, inscription from text Eric was asked to carve by Ian Hamilton Finlay)